Unfortunately, Miri caught RSV and pneumonia while we were in Amarillo, so we had kind of a rough visit. We had to visit the urgent care clinic three times (the second two were followups) and the poor baby had to take lots of medicine. Despite this, we still had a good time. Miri loved playing with her cousins, especially cousin Drake. She also thought that the ride on fire truck at her Grumps' house was the most awesome thing. Somehow I missed getting pictures of her riding that, but I think other people did, hopefully I can track one down because her smile was always huge and awfully cute.
We tried to take a family picture, but unfortunately Miri was really feeling bad that day and was not very cooperative.
Miri really loved hanging out with Yaya, but was less than thrilled about having to share her lap.
Playing with cousin Drake. He was being so patient with Miri and he was sharing very well.
On our last day in Amarillo, we went to the Discovery center, which is a science museum for kids. There was an awesome area for toddlers with costumes, facepaint, and lots of other cool things. She carried these ears around for 10 minutes so I decided to try them on her, pretty cute! I also painted her face to look like a butterfly, but somehow missed a picture of that too. I was not having a good day for pictures apparently.
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