Miri turns one!

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Miri turned one on November 18th and we can't quite believe it!! Pictures of her party soon to come.


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Well, we have a little surprise. Tiny Heiny 2 is on the way. Due to appear on or about May 31st of 2011. Miri was very excited at the doctor's appointment, she was a hit with the nurses and waved at the ultrasound picture when the baby came up on screen. She may not know what having a little brother or sister means yet, but I bet she will be so happy once he/she is here.

Can you tell we are picture addicts?

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We tried spaghetti for the first time, it was a definite success, though very messy.

Ready to watch football with Daddy.

One of her b-day presents came in this box with lots of packing peanuts. She thought the peanuts were a great gift, but couldn't figure out why we wouldn't let her eat them.

Just like Daddy.

More pictures

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She had a really great day last time we went to take pictures, we could only afford the ones I put up last time, but grandparents couldn't resist the cuteness and got several more.

The open hands are so Miri!

What a grin!

I never thought we'd get a happy picture on her belly, but the photographer was really great.

Seconds later she tried to eat a flower; typical.

This was Dustin's favorite, she knows how to pout doesn't she?

Too Cute!