A long two months

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It's been a busy, crazy two months! Miri is 7 months old now and has had her first mother's day, her first father's day, has been dedicated at church, and had her first trip to Houston. The baby dedication was on Mother's day at our church, it was a very sweet time to see how many people love and pray for Miri. There were 5 babies dedicated that day and three of them were from our one another group; there must have been something in the water. Our good friend Steve Doorman was the elder assigned to us for the baby dedication. When I tried to hand Miri to him, her lips started to quiver and she got tears in her eyes. The whole church "awed" over that one. So she stayed in Mommy's arms for the dedication and the prayer.

She thinks her cousins are absolutely hilarious, especially Matthew. He was playing peek-a-boo with her while she was in her high chair at Nana and Papa's house- she was giggling like mad. She also had a great time in the pool with Matthew, Audrey, Daddy, Papa, Uncle Joel and Aunt Ashley. As you can see below, we got family pictures taken while in Houston- that's a good looking family if you ask me (Erin). Unfortunately, I got sick and went to the hospital a few hours after most of the pictures were taken, which resulted in surgery. So Miri had another first- spending the night without Mommy or Daddy. She stayed with her Aunt Ashley, Uncle Joel, Matthew and Audrey. I think I missed her more than she missed me.

Miri did great on the plane rides to and from Houston; she loves to watch people, so the airport is a treat. Once we got home though, she missed her cousins. It took several days to settle back into a routine and get used to not being held all of the time.

Miri has been eating two meals a day lately, though the meals are very small. Peaches are definitely her favorite, but she also really likes sweet potatoes. We have discovered one food allergy she has though. Amazingly enough, she seems to be allergic to rice cereal, which is the first food they tell you to try, since almost no babies are allergic to it.

Miri also is rolling around a lot. She really wants to walk, but can't quite figure out all that balance. She still hates to be on her tummy, so Dustin and I are wondering if she'll ever crawl or it she'll just go straight to walking. She loves to watch Reagan (a one year old I watch sometimes) as she edges around furniture and stands to reach for things. She has also started to develop a case of stranger anxiety. She likes to look at people and even interact with them, as long as they don't touch her.