Even more pictures

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Miri has started sleeping with a lovey, she especially likes her chickie, though usually the chickie is in her mouth while she sleeps. She also likes putting the blanket over her head while she sleeps. Pretty cute! Miri loves her Daddy a lot- and apparently his nose is rather tasty.

We took Miri for her first swim the other day, isn't her suit cute? She enjoyed looking at the water and kicking her feet in the water, but the second her little bottom hits the water she starts to cry. She also has gotten to like sitting in her high chair- no solid food yet though. The doctor wants us to wait until she hits 13 pounds before we start, and since she is 12 lb. 3 oz now, that will probably be another month. She sure seems like she wants to eat though- she is fascinated by people eating and likes to steal my spoon (or fork or whatever else she can get her hands on).

Scout Kotecki is one of the other babies in our Bible study group (we also have Lincoln who is 4 1/2 months younger). She is 7 weeks younger than Miri and very cute too. She definitely is more mellow though- she'll sleep through the study a lot of the time.


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